Company Profile

Message from the President

Watanabe Terutaka
We will continue to carry out specialized risk management in all fields without forgetting our gratitude, aiming to be a good partner who can interact with our children and grandchildren in the future, with the opening of our own business as an important relationship with our customers.
Watanabe Terutaka

Received the Higashikubemiya International Cultural Award on November 3, 2019
Company Guideline (Administrative Philosophy) | A pensar no futuro do cliente, a empresa quer ser um grande parceiro e contribuirá para o desenvolvimento e enriquecimento da sociedade. |
nome da empresa | Metal Asset Partners Co., Ltd. |
Address | Sede: 〒444-0079 Aichi-Ken Okazaki-Shi Ishigami-Cho 3-20 Takahashi Bld 2º andar Sala 2 Shiga Branch Office: 〒520-3214 Shiga-Ken Konan-Shi Umekage-cho 2-3 VILLA INFINITY 2 110 |
Contact | 【Headquarters】 TEL: 0564-64-5056 FAX : 0564-64-5058 【Shiga Branch】TEL:0748-69-6636 FAX:0748-69-6638 |
Services Offered by the Company | Damage and life insurance company Products of the social security system in general of the Corporate Associations, Taxpayers' Association and Trade and Industry Associations. <Damage Insurance> ●Additional insurance for accidents at work ●Comprehensive corporate liability insurance ● PL Insurance ● Auto Insurance ●Fire Insurance ●Overseas Travel Insurance ●Earthquake Insurance ●Medical Insurance ●Insurance of heavy construction equipment ●Machinery Insurance ● Occupational Risk Insurance, Moral Harassment, Abuse of Power ●Insurance against leakage of personal information, etc. <Life Insurance> ● Life Insurance for Individuals ● Private Pension ● Student Insurance ●Personal capitalization insurance ●Corporate Management Insurance ● Entrepreneur's Cumulative Insurance ●Employee Compensation Plan ●Retirement insurance, etc. |
Board | CEO Terutaka Watanabe Senior Administrative Director Shuji Honda |
Establishment | October 29, 2018 |
Number of employees | 7 peoples |
Main Financial Agency | Mitsui Sumitomo Bank Okazaki Branch Okazaki Shinkin Bank Ida Branch Shiga Bank Iwane Branch |